Video: Picking Damsons, October 2013

Although it’s nearly the end of the first week of October, there are still plenty of damsons on the trees.

In this short video I pick a few damsons from one of the internal hedges on my patch of garden on the Herefordshire-Shropshire border.

There’s a myth that damsons are nothing but bitter/sharp/sour. Which feeds into another myth that you can’t eat damsons straight off the tree. It’s not true! I wonder if people who think this are confusing damsons with their relatives, the bullaces.

While damsons do add a dimension of tartness, which is an essential counterpoint to dishes based on rich ingredients like game birds, lamb and cheeses, damsons also have a very pleasing sweetness.

Trust me (and watch the video).


2 thoughts on “Video: Picking Damsons, October 2013

  1. hi – do you know anywhere near me selling damsons – I live near Amersham in Bucks…. though I am driving up to Northumbria next week, so could detour!?! Thanks – Sue

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thank you for getting in touch about damsons. I’m afraid I don’t know of any outlets in Amersham selling damsons. It may be a bit late for your trip to Northumbria, but the Weestmorland Damson Association does sell frozen damsons from its own orchards. It may be worth getting in touch with the WDA touch to see if they do mail order.

      I plan to get a list of retail outlets on this blog in time for next year’s crop. So please check here again towards the middle of next year.

      Best regards,


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